Uniform Law Commission Proposes “Reasonable” Uniform Personal Data Protection Act for State-by-State Adoption as Federal Privacy Bills Languish


As data breaches become more common, increased public attention on privacy has led to a flurry of state-level activity on the issue. With a federal privacy bill languishing in Congress, the states have taken the lead. California, Colorado, and Virginia have all passed comprehensive privacy laws in the past three years. In 2021, an additional twenty-one states considered a comprehensive privacy bill.

Considering the serious risk of fragmentation that could arise from dozens of distinct privacy statutes, the Uniform Law Commission has proposed a model bill – the Uniform Personal Data Protection Act (“UPDPA”). The Uniform Law Commission’s model bills, such as the Uniform Commercial Code, are often influential in the development of state laws.  The UPDPA will be available for states’ 2022 legislative sessions, with a bill having already been introduced in the District of Columbia.

If adopted, the UPDPA offers a more business-friendly framework than many of the existing and proposed state privacy laws. (more…)

5 Global Data Protection Trends To Watch In 2022

*This article was first published by Law360 on January 3, 2022.

A recent discussion with Elizabeth Denham and Claudia Berg of the U.K. Information Commissioner’s Office provided ample food for thought on the direction in which data protection regulation both in the U.K. and internationally is headed, including key trends to watch for in data protection.

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Meru Data Podcast Features Sidley Associate Lauren Kitces

Sidley associate Lauren Kitces was featured on Simplify For Success, a podcast series presented by Meru Data and hosted by Priya Keshav. The discussion covered upcoming U.S. privacy laws and key considerations for organizations as they prepare for these laws. (more…)

All Buttoned Up: The California AG Proposes Additional CCPA Regulations

On December 10, 2020, the California Attorney General (“AG”) proposed additional edits to the CCPA Regulations. These changes both build upon the updates that were proposed on October 12, 2020, and add some new content. All of the newly proposed changes relate to the right to opt-out of the sale of personal information.
