Preparing Your 2021 Form 10-K: A Summary of Recent Key Disclosure Developments, Priorities, and Trends
This Sidley Practice Note highlights certain key disclosure considerations for preparing your annual report on Form 10-K for fiscal year 2021, including recent amendments to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) disclosure rules and other developments that impact 2021 Form 10-K filings, as well as certain significant disclosure trends and current areas of SEC staff focus for disclosures. (more…)
SEC Encourages Self-Reporting of Recordkeeping Violations Resulting From Employees’ Use of Personal Devices for Business Communications
On December 17, 2021, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced settled charges against a broker-dealer firm for recordkeeping violations arising from its employees’ use of personal devices for business communications. The firm agreed to pay a $125 million penalty and to retain a compliance consultant to conduct a comprehensive review of its policies and procedures relating to the retention of electronic communications found on personal devices. In announcing this enforcement action, the SEC encouraged registrants to self-report similar failures to the SEC. (more…)
SEC Announces Long-Awaited Updates to Broker-Dealer Recordkeeping Requirements
In a much anticipated (and, to many, long overdue) release published in mid-November, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) proposed to update its decades-old recordkeeping requirements for broker-dealers to, among other things, allow for electronic records to be retained in a manner other than “exclusively in a non-rewriteable, non-erasable format” (aka write once, read many, or WORM). The proposal would allow electronic records to be retained, as an alternative to WORM, using an audit-trail methodology.