Post-Election Landscape: New Risks, New Opportunities
Sidley thought leaders explored risks and opportunities of a second Trump administration in a “lightning round”, covering key practice areas. Change is coming and along with it, new and fast-paced risks and opportunities.
Data Matters: The Declaration for the Future of the Internet
On April 28, 2022, the White House announced, in partnership with 60 global partners, the launch of the Declaration for the Future of the Internet, also known as the “DFI.”
According to the White House briefing, the Declaration sets forth the shared principles regarding how parties should comport themselves with respect to the Internet, the digital ecosystem, and the digital economy. The Declaration affirms that the signatories are committed to defending the Internet, to governing it by a multi-stakeholder approach, and to promoting an open, free, global, interoperable, reliable, and secure Internet for the world. The State Department’s newly formed Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy put out a nearly identical statement. (more…)