Digital Health Transformation: A Practical Guide for Life Sciences Companies

In 2022, many if not most pharmaceutical, medical device, and other life sciences companies established strategies to innovate digital health technology complementary to their existing strategic focus. The digital transformation of the life sciences industry is still widely unfolding across the marketplace. In 2023 and beyond, the race is on to launch the next generation of digital health technologies to innovate the delivery of therapies to patients.

White House Publishes In-Depth Guidance on the Use of Automated Systems and Recognizes Privacy as Foundational Principle of Framework

On October 4, 2022, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy published The Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights: Making Automated Systems Work for the American People (the “AI Blueprint”). The AI Blueprint outlines non-binding guidelines for the development and deployment of automated systems and is the culmination of a year-long process of public engagement and deliberation.


UK Consults on Algorithmic Processing

Algorithms touch upon multiple aspects of digital life, and their use potentially falls within several separate – though converging – regulatory systems. More than ever, a ‘joined up’ approach is required to assess them, and the UK’s main regulators are working together to try to formulate a coherent policy, setting an interesting example that could be a template for global approaches to digital regulation. (more…)