Action Items for U.S. Public Companies for 2025
Rapid rulemaking and aggressive enforcement by the SEC, combined with legislative, judicial, and regulatory developments, have created new requirements and expectations for U.S. public companies.
U.S. Department of Commerce Seeks to Protect Drones Supply Chain From Foreign Adversaries
On January 3, 2025, the U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) Office of Information and Communications Technology and Services (OICTS) published an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) on the national security risks posed by foreign adversary involvement in the supply chain for unmanned aerial systems (UAS) (i.e., drones), including risks to critical infrastructure and U.S. sensitive data. BIS seeks public input to inform regulations on the supply of certain UAS components developed by entities linked to the People’s Republic of China (China) and Russia.
Looking Ahead to 2025 in EU Cybersecurity Developments
As 2024 draws to a close, we look ahead to notable upcoming cyber developments in the new year. From the adoption of new cyber laws to the initiation of infringement proceedings by the European Commission against a number of EU Member States for alleged failures to adequately implement the EU Network and Information Systems Security 2 Directive, the EU continues to emphasize cybersecurity in a rapidly evolving legal and technological environment. There are no signs of this momentum slowing down in 2025.
EU AI Act: Are You Prepared for the “AI Literacy” Principle?
The EU AI Act is the world’s first horizontal and standalone law governing the commercialization and use of AI, and a landmark piece of legislation for the EU. Among the various provisions of the EU AI Act, the “AI literacy” principle is an often overlooked but key obligation which requires organizations to ensure that staff who are involved in the operation and use of AI have the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding to adequately assess AI-related risks and opportunities (e.g., through training and hiring staff with the appropriate background and skillset). This obligation – which applies from February 2, 2025 – is one of the few obligations under the EU AI Act that applies to all AI systems i.e., irrespective of the level of risk that the AI system presents. Indeed, by introducing AI literacy as one of the first provisions of the AI Act (Article 4), the EU legislators appear to underscore the significance of this requirement.
Advisor to the CJEU Confirms GDPR Fines For Subsidiary Infringements Should Reflect Group Turnover
On 12 September 2024, Advocate General Medina issued their Opinion in Case C-383/23 in which they confirmed that supervisory data protection authorities must, when calculating the fine for a GDPR infringement committed by a subsidiary, take into account the total annual turnover of the entire group—a concept known as parental liability.
DOL Confirms Cybersecurity Guidance Applies to All Employee Benefit Plans
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) published Compliance Assistance Release No. 2024-01 on September 6, 2024. The release, titled “Cybersecurity Guidance Update,” clarifies that the cybersecurity guidance the DOL issued in April 2021 applies to all employee benefit plans, including health and welfare plans. The DOL states that since the guidance was published, service providers have told plan fiduciaries and Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) investigators that the guidance applies only to retirement plans.
The Legal Battles Taking Shape in the Clash Over Internet Content
A federal law known as Section 230 has provided a powerful legal shield for internet companies for nearly three decades. Designed to “promote the internet,” it protects platforms from civil liability for content posted to their sites by third parties.
Asia-Pacific Regulations Keep Pace With Rapid Evolution of Artificial Intelligence Technology
Regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the Asia-Pacific region (APAC) is developing rapidly, with at least 16 jurisdictions having some form of AI guidance or regulation. Some countries are implementing AI-specific laws and regulation, while others take a more “soft” law approach in reliance on nonbinding principles and standards. While regulatory approaches in the region differ, policy drivers feature common principles including responsible use, data security, end-user protection, and human autonomy.
DORA – ESAs Publish Draft Technical Standards on ICT Subcontracting
On 26 July 2024, the European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA, collectively, the “ESAs”) published their joint final report on the draft Regulatory Technical Standards (“RTS”) specifying the elements that a financial entity should determine and assess when subcontracting ICT services supporting critical or important functions under Article 30(5) of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (“DORA”). The RTS are intended to assist with the enhancement of the digital operational resilience of the financial services sector by improving in-scope entities’ ICT risk management, specifically with respect to the issue of ICT subcontracting.
EU Governments Sign-off Proposed Reforms to GDPR Procedural Rules and Council Reaches Common Member States’ Position
On 24 May 2024, the Council of the European Union (the “Council”) released new details of a proposed reform of the General Data Protection Regulation’s (“GDPR”) procedural rules, which representatives of EU national governments approved on 29 May 2024. On 13 June 2024, the Council issued a press release detailing its agreed common Member States’ position that maintains the general thrust of the original proposed reforms, but which seeks to: (i) introduce clearer timelines; (ii) improve efficiency of cooperation; and (iii) provide an early resolution mechanism.