U.S. Congressional Leaders Introduce Two Landmark Bills to Create a Digital Assets Regulatory Scheme

This week, two committees in the House of Representatives will mark up legislation intended to clarify the regulatory framework applicable to digital assets in the United States. Earlier this month, leaders in the U.S. Senate also introduced legislation to establish a comprehensive and unified regulatory scheme for digital assets and digital asset derivatives.1 Both the House and Senate bills seek to integrate the regulation of digital assets and digital asset derivatives into the existing U.S. regulatory framework — primarily that of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) — rather than create a standalone framework, but both bills face significant barriers to enactment.


Webinar Recording: The Finalization of the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework

On July 13, Sidley and OneTrust DataGuidance hosted a webinar titled “The Finalization of the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework.” The discussion with key players in international data transfers included topics such as significant points and implications of the European Commission Adequacy Decision for the Data Privacy Framework, what organizations should know about the Framework’s Principles, consideration of factors and logistics for signing up for the Framework (including interplay with current Privacy Shield membership), next steps in the EU and UK processes, and other internal data transfer developments, including adequacy decision for the UK-U.S. Data Bridge.


Cybersecurity and Environmental Fraud Top Priorities of U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission Division of Enforcement

Just before Americans began their Fourth of July holiday, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Division of Enforcement Director announced that the division has established two key task forces: the Cybersecurity and Emerging Technologies and the Environmental Fraud Task Force.1 Both task forces will be staffed with attorneys and investigators across the Division of Enforcement with the goal of serving as subject matter experts and prosecuting cases. As a result, CFTC registrants should be prepared for heightened focus on cybersecurity and environmental fraud, particularly in the derivatives and relevant spot markets.


FTC’s New Biometric Policy Statement Articulates New Governance Standards and an Expansive View of Biometric Data

On May 18, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) issued its 2023 Policy Statement on Biometric Information and Section 5 of the FTC Act (the “Policy Statement”) describing the agency’s concerns about these fast-proliferating technologies and articulating a set of compliance obligations for businesses that develop or use biometric technologies.  To address potential risks of bias, discrimination, and security associated with the collection or use of biometric information, the FTC wants businesses to, among other things, conduct pre-release risk assessments evaluating the potential for bias and other potential consumer harms, assess these risks on an ongoing basis, and evaluate and potentially audit third parties with access to a business’s biometric data.


EU-U.S. Adequacy Once Again

On July 10, 2023, the European Commission issued its Final Implementing Decision granting the U.S. adequacy (“Adequacy Decision”) with respect to companies that subscribe to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (“DPF”).


The Finalization of the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework

On July 10, 2023, the European Commission published its final Adequacy Decision for EU-U.S. data transfers. The draft decision reflects the multi-year coordination between the EU and U.S. to identify and implement a lasting solution to facilitate international data transfers following the Court of Justice of the European Union’s judgment in Schrems II. The EU’s adequacy decision determines that the U.S., through the newly created EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework, provides comparable safeguards to those of the EU and ensures an adequate level of protection for personal data transferred from the EU to certified organizations in the U.S.


Hong Kong New PCPD Guidance on Handling Data Breaches

On June 30, 2023, Hong Kong’s data protection authority (the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, or PCPD) issued an updated version of its Guidance on Data Breach Handling and Data Breach Notifications (the Guidance, accessible here), which aims to guide companies on how they respond to data breaches. In particular, the Guidance contains a new recommendation for companies to adopt written data breach response plans.


SEC Delays Enactment of Cyber Rules Related to Investment Adviser and Public Companies to October 2023, Updates Timeline to April 2024 for Recently Proposed Cybersecurity Rules

On June 13, 2023, the Office of Management and Budget released its Spring 2023 Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions, which includes updates on Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) proposed rules.  The SEC pushed back  its estimate for the final action date to October 2023 for its proposed cybersecurity rules related to public companies, as well as for its investment advisers and funds proposal.  Notably, the SEC’s timelines are typically estimates for implementation, and the proposed rules could be introduced sooner or later than these dates. However, the updated timeline indicates that the SEC is prioritizing finalizing its cybersecurity rules related to public companies and investment advisers and funds.


European Parliament Adopts AI Act Compromise Text Covering Foundation and Generative AI

On 14 June 2023, the European Parliament adopted – by a large majority – its compromise text for the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act (“AI Act”), paving the way for the three key EU Institutions (the European Council, Commission and Parliament) to start the ‘trilogue negotiations’. This is the last substantive step in the legislative process and it is now expected that the AI Act will be adopted and become law on or around December 2023 / January 2024. The AI Act will be a first-of-its-kind AI legislation with extraterritorial reach.


UK Sets Out It’s “Pro-Innovation” Approach To AI Regulation

On 29 March 2023, the UK’s Department for Science Innovation and Technology (“DSIT”) published its long awaited White Paper on its “pro-innovation approach to AI regulation” (the “White Paper”), along with a corresponding impact assessment. The White Paper builds on the “proportionate, light touch and forward-looking” approach to AI regulation set out in the policy paper published in July 2022. Importantly, the UK has decided to take a different approach to regulating AI compared to the EU, opting for a decentralised sector-specific approach, with no new legislation expected at this time. Instead, the UK will regulate AI primarily through sector-specific, principles based guidance and existing laws, with an emphasis on an agile and innovation-friendly approach. This is in significant contrast to the EU’s proposed AI Act which is a standalone piece of horizontal legislation regulating all AI systems, irrespective of industry.
